I love these deep reflections from artist. Your in particular-this process of “feeding the fire” of human singularity is something I see as essential to how we engage with our own souls and with each other. Each of us is a living, breathing mosaic, and our job, like yours, may simply be to tend to this mystery, honoring it not by defining it but by celebrating its many forms, trusting that each turn in the spiral brings us closer to a richer understanding.

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Thanks, Lane! I appreciate your comment, and I'm glad to know this resonated.

Essential, yes! For all the reasons you mention, and more...

Some related thoughts, in partial response to your own post from today (https://lanewatson.substack.com/p/unlocking-creative-genius-through):

Acknowledging singularity as a real, ubiquitous phenomenon opens the door to appreciating it fully, and to delighting in our own singularity just as much as we delight in others’. (In no particular order, that is.)

Like so many people, I've had to "heal my psyche" in order to fire on all cylinders as an artist. Throughout this process, I've found that a full, open, grateful appreciation of all selves' uniqueness – and a conscious decision to make this habit of mind part of my basic outlook – fosters curiosity and keeps an ego-based sense of deficiency at bay.

The mere fact of singularity means that a person's existence is a net positive to be explored and worked with.

Affirming the wonders of singularity produces a wonderful baseline from which to work; I might even say it’s a cornerstone of my own framework for staying grounded – "tethered," as you say, to an observer Self, under whose trustworthy watch I can lean into vigorous, child-like play (with matter both light and dark). I feel no need to compensate for something that's already perfect in its imperfect, positive wholeness; accordingly, there's nothing riding on my playing this game for as long as I choose to; it doesn’t turn into a means to an end. If there's only one of me, then there's nothing to prove, no debt to pay off; there's only creation "from a place of depth and wholeness" and meaningful exploration of the "many forms" I may take on/encounter over time.

With that said, I’ll look forward to reading more from your wonderful new Substack. Thanks again for dropping in. Best!

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Thank you for sharing this—there’s so much here that deeply resonates. Your thoughts on singularity and embracing each Self’s uniqueness as essential, intrinsic worth is exactly the energy I aim to encourage.

I love your image of staying “tethered” to the observer Self; it’s such a powerful anchor that lets us play without fear, while letting our psyche’s creative potential flow freely and fully.

Your framework for appreciation and acceptance is beautiful—a true call to wholeness. Grateful to be part of this conversation with you!

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Likewise. Cheers! 🙂

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